martedì 13 novembre 2018

Stan Lee (1922 - 2018)

"There was
a time when it was all about comics for me. I had a girl, probably the
same as yours. She always complained that I spent too much time with my
own comics, and eventually we broke up. What did she know? Here I am
now, a legend in the field. I've had a slew of women since her, lots of
women. Me and Jagger had a running contest to see who had the
most, and the last time I looked, I was way ahead. But I never forgot
that girl. One day, I found out she got married. I had blown it. I
had missed my window. I went on with my life but I created some special
new superheroes. They were characters that reflected my own heartbreak
and my own regrets. Doctor doom wears body armor to conceal his own
mangled form. That was me beneath the armor. The Hulk is a normal guy
one minute, a rage of emotions the next, just like me when I thought
about what I'd given up. The girl that got away. Look, do yourself a
favor. Don't wait, because all the money, all the women, even all the
comic books in the world, They can't substitute for that one person.
I'd give it all up, all of it, for just one more day with her."

(Il dialogo vero e proprio, come si sente nel film, tra Stan e Brodie, lo trovate in Generation X di Kevin Smith. Che è un cialtrone, d'accordo, ma al vecchio voleva bene davvero, come tutti noi true believers. Excelsior!, Stan.)

12 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. Se penso ad UN cammeo di Stan Lee è quello. Gli altri sono simpatici e nulla più.

    2. Beh quello in Spiderman 3 di Raimi e nella TAS anni 90 erano comunque molto belli

    3. Sai che me li sono persi entrambi?

  2. L'ho saputo ieri sera, nonostante l'età di Lee è stato comunque un fulmine a ciel sereno. :(

    1. Sì, diciamo che un po' me lo aspettavo quest'anno viste anche le tante notizie recenti negative sulla sua salute fisica e mentale. Ma dispiace lo stesso.

  3. Non ricordo, ma va benissimo ugualmente, sono d'accordo, e lui resta un grande

    1. Non è un film che ricordano in tantissimi, preferendo altre guest appearances di Stan!


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